Easy, cheap chicken recipe - Chicken Franciase
Tired of the same old chicken recipes week after week? Here's something different and super easy to make!
"Fancy" up your chicken tenders without adding a lot of cost! My family goes nuts when they find out I am making this one. It's really easy. Next time you buy chicken tenders to make for dinner, grab a lemon too. I will assume you have flour and an egg or two on hand at home.
Take your raw chicken tenders and put them in a big baggie with a couple big spoonfuls of flour and shake til coated.
In the meantime, whisk a couple eggs in a pie tin (or similar dish). Then, have another plate with flour.
Now melt a stick of butter or margarine in a frying pan.
Take the flour coated chicken tenders from the baggie, coat with egg, and then the other flour and carefully place the in the frying pan. Cook till golden brown on both sides. Just before serving, squeeze the lemon all over the chicken while the pan is still on the burner. (The butter will sizzle when you do this and it mixes with the lemon to make the lemon butter sauce.) Prepare to get compliments!
This is really good with fettucini alfredo and broccoli. You can buy the noodle side dishes for like a buck. I like to steam the broccoli, then transfer to a frying pan with oil & garlic. A little squeeze of lemon just before serving.
Your family will LOVE this chicken!
For My Local Friends:
Food City has chicken tenders on sale 1.99/lb., and locally grown broccoli 2/3.00!
Build a better mouse trap
Well, folks, it's that time of year again. It getting cold outside and the little mice are looking for refuge. Unfortunately, that means you may be hearing unwanted pitter-patter of tiny feet in your house.

As a rule, mice like to come in around the pipes under the sinks. This is why I keep a mouse trap set at all times under all of my sinks. I like to get them before they can get any farther.
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How I feed my family for less than $14.00 a day
Here is an example of how I feed my family of 3 on less than 14.00 a day. Sounds pretty impossible, right? Not if you think about it and make sure you always have certain staples in the house. The following is an example and breakdown of the actual costs to feed MY family. (I am not making this up.) If you really want to stretch those food dollars,
Feeding your family on a tight budget
Scenario: It’s the last week of the month. Your food budget is looking a little
skimpy. Don’t panic, I will give you
some tips on how to s-t-r-e-t-c-h those last few food dollars!
Some people may look at meal planning on a budget as a
chore. I prefer to look at it as a
I could suggest that you eat ramen noodles if you are
running low on cash, but that would be irresponsible and flat-out bad
advice. Instead, I will offer up some
common sense ideas that should help you learn how to fill your belly without
breaking the bank.
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